Show Notes
A frustrated Buffy follows Angel back to Sunnydale where they are attacked by a demon that makes Angel mortal. Join Sarah, Lea, and guests Tabby and Leah as they discuss the most iconic Bangel episode ever!
A frustrated Buffy follows Angel back to Sunnydale where they are attacked by a demon that makes Angel mortal. Join Sarah, Lea, and guests Tabby and Leah as they discuss the most iconic Bangel episode ever!
April 13, 2023
Fresh off the bus from Sunnydale, Faith the rogue vampire slayer is hired by Wolfram & Hart to kill Angel, but nothing goes as...
August 10, 2023
In the 1950's, Angel aids a woman hiding from her past in a hotel with a long history of death and mayhem. In the...
May 09, 2024
Angel becomes jealous and feels a bit isolated after Groosalugg saves the gang and is reunited with Cordelia. Join Sarah and Lea as they...